About me

Senior Backend Developer Golang

Location: Prague, Czech Republic
GitHub, Linkedin
Write me on "hi" at this domain.


Generally experienced positions

Tech skills

Very good: Go
Solid:JavaScript/TypeScript, CSS, HTML, Svelte, SQL, REST
Basic:Rust, Elixir
Used intensively a while ago: React, GraphQL, AWS
Matter of fact/necessities: git, containers (Docker), Linux, testing, ci/cd, ...

Selected previous experiences

2020-2023: Senior Go developer at Pex, working on many vastly different subsystems. To name a few: massive data processing, circumventing Google Recaptcha (successfully), or being part of a small team that created a brand new service for copyright resolution for creators.

2017-2019: Tech architect and backend developer Node.js. What started as a JavaScript backend developer for GraphQL endpoint grew to revisit the whole data flow/pipelines and systems the company processed from thousands of systems of their clients.

2018-2019: Frontend developer React. Working mostly in React. GraphQL started to be a thing, React was a small framework, yet.

2012 - 2015: Founder of a design company with the idea that people can do great things - like origami gifts or lamps.

2007-2010: Founder of a platform for location services on phones with Java.

2004-2006: Founder of mobile content distribution company.

2001-2003: Web audience measurement founder (iAudit).

1991-1994: Founder of wholesale distribution company tht helped brands like Wrigleys and MasterFoods to establish on Czech market.

1987-1990: Czech Technical University - field technical cybernetics. Unfinished without any regrets.

My worldview

Technology is a tool that helps to make vision happen. Organizational culture stems from the founder and decides whether people are happy, loyal, and effective (or not).

Personal interests and hobbies

My current personal non-professional challenge is learning to surf.